“Embodiment is the cells awareness of themselves. It is a direct experience. There are no intermediate steps or translations. There is no guide. There is no witness. There is the fully known consciousness of the experienced moment, initiated from the cells themselves. In this instance, the brain is the last to know. There is complete knowing. There is peaceful comprehension. Out of this embodiment process emerges feeling, sensing, thinking, witnessing, understanding, compassion. The source of this process is free; it is love”.
Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen (BMC®)
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)
(BCST) is a non-invasive subtle touch-based therapy, which promotes self-healing.
Through subtle touch, I listen to the inner impulses, expressions & rhythms of your Craniosacral system. Our Craniosacral System (CS) is made up of membranes, tissues, nerves, cells, fluids and potencies, surrounding our cranium (brain), midline (nervous system/spine) & sacrum (pelvis). Like a living bridge extending throughout our whole bodymind landscape, our craniosacral system produces a subtle & vibrant fluid called cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid circulates within this whole system. Cerebrospinal fluid bathes and nourishes our brain and our spinal cord. When fluctuating fully, it generates a vital potency that may ignite healing & return the system to its original wholeness.
Trauma occurs when we experience sudden overwhelm or shock to our system. Trauma can be stored as a freeze response recorded in our nervous system. This freeze is stored within our cells, tissues and fluids. Over time, this may begin to express as inertial patterning resulting in a felt sense of dis-ease within our bodymind. Stress, tension, depression, autoimmune, endocrine disfunction, chronic pain, illness & nervous system dysfunction, are all symptoms of trauma - which results in inertial or maladaptive patterning.
Listening touch supports the reversal of maladaptive patterning. As client and therapist attune to each other, nervous system regulation occurs innately. Parasympathetic states of rest & digest, allow access to deeper more restorative states that drop deeply into stillness. Stillness activates a felt sense of spaciousness. The system feels safe & rested. It is in this state that inertial patterning may unfurl, re-organise and integrate back to its original wholeness. Integrating trauma allows vitality, ease & mental clarity to return to the system. We may once again begin to feel comfortable in our own skin. As we cultivate how we live our life, with a felt sense of wholeness, balance, coherency and wellbeing.
Remote Craniosacral Integration (RCI)
These sessions are similar to the sessions above, but are facilitated remotely. They provide support for clients who find it difficult to leave their home (due to disability), to travel, or for those living over-seas and would like to work with me. Remote Craniosacral Integration can be facilitated alongside my somatic awareness practice I call ‘Attuning’. This is a longer session, so please contact me to discuss this option,
The first half of the session begins through Attuning, person to person, nervous system to nervous system, wholeness to wholeness. A natural resonance & regulation occurs. This is preverbal, primal and prior to our minds conceptualisation of it. This is cellular - cell to cell resonance. Through Attuning, we listen together, to support a deepening into sensory, kinaesthetic & energetic awareness.
From here we enter into a somatically-oriented enquiry. This helps ground you into your living structure. From this support, our interaction unfolds in an open, intuitive & responsive manner, all the time following directly what is arising here and now in your direct experience. A consistent re-orientation to what is felt, sensed in your bodymind.
This enquiry cultivates our capacity to listen ‘to’ and ‘through’ our 3 centres of intelligence - our head/cranium, heart/midline and belly/sacrum. RCI supports you to ground & land more fully into body, while simultaneously opening and accessing your innate embodied capacities of stillness, spaciousness & wholeness.
Please create a comfortable, quiet space, close to your computer, where we can see each other clearly. Please consider a space where you can remain as undisturbed as possible during our session together.
Sessions are engaged via video call, but I ask for you to have your phone close by also. Please email to arrange a phone conversation if you would like more information.
Please contact : maireadmv@gmail.com